Being physical helps children’s muscle development and promotes skills, such as the hand-eye co-ordination skill of catching and kicking a ball We know it’s important for kids to play outside. TV news often runs reports about studies that show that too much screen time, and time spent sitting indoors, can be detrimental. Why should kids…
6 Super Shower Gifts From Banz Carewear and Baby On The Move
5 MORE Times Your Child Needs Banz Earmuffs
Safety standards – what do they mean?
Busting 6 Hearing Protection Myths

The importance of protecting children’s hearing in noisy situations with earmuffs is a recent phenomenon – so recent, that we’ve come across several myths and misconceptions about using earmuffs for children. We’re going to debunk those myths, get rid of the fake news and tell you how it really is! Bust that fake news! Myth…
Sunscreen In Winter – Why It’s Key for Kids

Even when wearing SkiBanz goggles, exposed skin needs sunscreen protection During the cold and dreary winter months, most Kiwis are looking forward to the return of sunshine and warm weather. What most families aren’t thinking about is sunscreen usage – or protecting their children from the harsh ultraviolet rays that are beaming down on us…
Christmas Gift Guide with Banz Carewear & Friends

Looking for that unique Christmas gift? At Banz Carewear we’ve invited other fabulous small businesses to bring you a selection of pressies strong in ho-ho-ho power! All these businesses are based in New Zealand, so shop local! To find out more about each product, just click/tap on the photo, and you’ll be taken directly to…
My, how you’ve grown!

Spring is the ideal time to ensure your children’s sun and sound safety gear still suits their age ‘n’ stage! Your kids will have grown over the cooler months and it’s important that their Banz Carewear sunglasses, earmuffs and sunhats are still a good fit. Adventure Banz Lime GreenRetro Banz Midnight Black Stay-put sunglasses for…
Eco-packaging? You bet!

This month is Plastic-Free July – what better time to let you know about the new eco-friendly product packaging from Banz Carewear? In the past Banz product packaging has relied on plastics. That’s all set to change as the company presents Banz Carewear eco-packaging! [metaslider id=”3450″] It’s time for change I asked Banz international…