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Eco-packaging? You bet!

Mini Earmuffs - eco-pack 'Geo'

This month is Plastic-Free July – what better time to let you know about the new eco-friendly product packaging from
Banz Carewear?

In the past Banz product packaging has relied on plastics. That’s all set to change as the company presents Banz Carewear

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It’s time for change

I asked Banz international company director Chris Albonico how Banz Carewear have responded to the worldwide demand for eco-friendly product packaging.

“It’s become evident to us that consumers are very conscious of the effects their shopping habits – the products they buy – have on the environment. Our people in the European Union countries are particularly aware of this, as the EU is increasingly legislating that brands need to be responsible for the type of packaging they put into the market.

“With this in mind we decided that, along with the company rebranding from Baby Banz to Banz Carewear, we’d would incorporate a higher percentage of reusable/recyclable cardboard in packaging.”

Eco-packaging – the Banz Carewear perspective

What features are important when a multinational company such as Banz Carewear moves to eco-packaging?

Chris says: “The new packaging had to have a combination of sustainability while still maintaining aesthetic appeal to our stores and customers.

“Even though there are some small plastic elements the new packaging designs, over 90% of the packaging can be recycled.”

However, the move has come with challenges for Chris and his team.

“We’re aware that the eco-packaging is more susceptible to damage.  From the manufacturing process, to shipping, to storage, to in-store, the packaging is not as resilient as plastic packaging.

 “We’ve also found eco-friendly packaging to be about 10% more expensive than plastic packaging, and that has to either be absorbed in the margins, or passed onto the consumer.”

Rolling on out those sunglasses and earmuffs

When will we see Banz gear in the new packaging? Chris gives us some perspective about implementing a major change in an international market: “The transition from old to new packaging will take about 18 months-plus, on the international distribution side.  As well as using cardboard, we’ve also redesigned the boxes and our standard inner and outer cartons changed significantly.

“It’s a whole new challenge to make transport of the newly packaged product lines both efficient and cost effective! With four warehouses around the world, the logistical groundwork that’s required to be able to sell through the original packaging, and then launch the new packaging, has been underestimated. We’re working on it!”

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A warm welcome

What’s the reaction of the public and retailers to the new packaging? Chris is encouraged by the feedback.

“Stores want all-new packaging when they see it, consumers want the new packaging because it’s eco-friendly and better looking. As well, the positive reaction at trade shows in Cologne and Las Vegas has given us great optimism for the new materials and branding of Banz packaging!”

The New Zealand scene

Here in New Zealand the gorgeous new product packaging is rolling out as the older packaging sells through. Already, some Banz Mini Muffs are being sent out in the new, eco-friendly boxes, with any extra costs being absorbed and not passed on to
the customer.

This summer we will have several new and popular returning colours in Adventure Banz sunglasses heading out to you in the eco-packaging, as well as our new extended-size range Sunhats, so follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the big announcements!

Takeaway facts

  • Banz Carewear is moving to eco-friendly, sustainable product packaging
  • Why? You asked for it! And being a ‘good corporate citizen’ by using sustainable packaging is important to us
  • Most of the new packaging is cardboard
  • Over 90% of the new packaging is recyclable
  • In New Zealand some gear is already available in new packaging; more to follow!

18 thoughts on “Eco-packaging? You bet!

  1. Great Blog!! Good on you for the switch to eco-friendly packaging!! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Tracy!

  2. Love to see this, thank you for taking action ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you Keryn, it’s time we all did our bit for the planet!

  3. Wonderful to see brands getting rid of plastic and switching to more eco-friendly packaging. Well done!

    1. Thank you, Ali! Being responsive is important to us.

  4. Yay! It’s so good to see how companies are taking the initiative to do this even without legislation changes. Love it guys! Great work!

    1. Thank you, Kate! It’s great to get your positive feedback!

  5. Awesome initiative and great packaging. Plastic free world here we come!

    1. Thanks, Janey! I love your positivity!

  6. Thats fantastic and so timely. Love the new Brand – Banz Carewear- congratulations

    1. Thanks, Heather! We love our funky monkeys, too!

  7. I love it. Protecting the little people in our lives in lots of ways; hearing, sight, planet to live on.

    1. That’s what it’s all about, AJ! Thanks for your comment.

  8. This is great! Well done on the ECO packaging.

    1. Thanks, Helen! The new packaging is good for us all.

  9. Great blog, and well done on the eco packaging – love it!

    1. Thanks Alana! The new packaging has been so popular!

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